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Paolo De Cuarto

December 01 2023 to 18 January 2024

If pop-art allowed the harsh objectivity of things to prevail, in the art of Paolo De Cuarto there is a phenomenon of coexistence: daily life and existence are combined in an incessant exchange, strengthening each other. The art gallery ART&CO Parma is pleased to present the personal exhibition dedicated to Paolo De Cuarto, an artist increasingly known and appreciated for his extraordinary fresco technique on canvas or jute. The exhibition here set up aims to describe the most significant steps of his artistic research from the beginning to full maturity. His art uses old advertising messages to turn them into something completely new: from simple mass communication tools to very powerful catalysts of memories that are able to evoke deep lived experiences as melodies. His paintings explore the past tradition and the cult of memory. He investigates, digs, unearths relentlessly in search of hidden traces to bring back to life.

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